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Do children need letter/number grades?

Posted: August 15th, 2020, 10:05 pm
by Cranberry
I saw an article, I think in the Hamodia magazine, that said that children should be graded pass/fail. I think the author said that the struggling kids feel bad for their low grades and that the "smart" kids don't need their A grades. I personally agree that children shouldn't be given letter grades, but on the other hand, I do think that children who work hard to excel in school should be given recognition.

Re: Do children need letter/number grades?

Posted: August 17th, 2020, 1:09 pm
by LunchBreaker
I think there are better ways to reward effort than letter grades, but it is definitely a fallacy that "smart" kids don't need to work hard in school.

Re: Do children need letter/number grades?

Posted: June 19th, 2022, 9:00 pm
by virtuosointraining
Smart kids also need validation! Everyone always says that for non-academic kids, camp is their "time to shine." During the school year, smart children are told to stay quiet about their abilities so as not to make the less intelligent children feel bad.